NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Council of the City of Wilsonville on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall, at 29799 SW Town Center Loop E, Wilsonville, Oregon, or to such other place to which the City Council may adjourn.

OWNER/APPLICANT/PETITIONER: Universal Health Services, Inc., Willamette Valley Behavioral Health

LOCATION: Approximately 8.72 acres at SW Day Road
and SW Boones Ferry Road. Described Tax Lots 400, 500 and 501, Section 2B, Township 3 South, Range 1, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon as depicted on the map below.

CONTACT: Blaise Edmonds,
Manager of Current Planning,
at (503) 682-4960.

REQUEST: Universal Health Services Inc., Willamette Valley Behavioral Health, Applicant: Proposed is Annexation of the subject 8.72 acre territory to the City of Wilsonville, a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Washington County ‘Future Development 20 District’ (FD-20) to City ‘Industrial’ Designation, a Zone Map Amendment from Washington County ‘Future Development 20 District’ (FD-
20) Zone to City ‘Planned Development Industrial – Regional Significant Industrial Area’ (PDI-RSIA) Zone, and approve Stage I Preliminary Plan, Stage II Final Plan, Site Design Review, Type ‘C’ Tree Removal Plan and signs to enable development of a 62,000 square foot behavioral health facility with adult inpatient crisis stabilization services and mental health programs, inpatient child and adolescent services, inpatient geriatric services, autism programs, women’s programs, substance abuse treatment, behavioral pain management, as well as outpatient services. In addition, the facility will serve a number of veterans with behavioral and mental health needs.

APPLICABLE CRITERIA Planning and Land Development Ordinance: Sections 4.008 – 4.011, 4,014, 4.029, 4.031, 4.033, 4.110, 4.116, 4.118, 4.134, 4.135, 4.135.5, 4.140, Subsection 4.140(.07),
Sections 4.154, 4.155, 4.156, 4.167, 4.171, 4.175, 4.176, 4.177, 4.179, 4.197, 4.198, Subsections 4.199.20
– 4.199.60, Section 4.300 – 4.320, 4.400 – 4.440, 4.600 – 4.640.20 and Section 4.700.
Comprehensive Plan: Policy 4.1.3, Implementation Measures 2.2.1.a and 2.2.1.e, 4.3.1.a, 4.1.3.b –
Regional and Statewide Planning Documents: Metro Code Chapter 3.09, ORS 222.111, 222.120.125 and 222.170. Statewide Planning Goals, Transportation Systems Plan, Stormwater Master Plan and State Transportation Planning Rule OAR 660-012-0060 and TPR 0060, Section 9.

Copies of the approval criteria are available from the Wilsonville Planning Division, located at 29799 SW Town Center Loop East. All testimony and evidence shall be directed to the applicable criteria
or the person providing testimony shall state which other criteria they believe applies to this application. A complete copy of the relevant file information, including the staff report and recommendations, will be available for inspection seven days prior to the hearing. Copies may be provided at the cost of twenty-five cents per page. Copies will also be available for review at the Wilsonville Public Library.

Any interested party may testify at the public hearing or submit written testimony at or prior to the hearing. Written comments must be received at City Hall by January 13, 2016 to be included in the staff report. For staff to prepare copies of the comments for the DRB or City Council hearing they must be received no later than 2 p.m. on the day of the hearing. Mail written statements to City Planning Division, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville OR 97070. The procedures that govern the hearing will be stated at the meeting and are found in Chapter 2.560 of the Wilsonville Code and ORS 197.763.

Please be advised that any issue that is intended to provide a basis for appeal must be raised before the close of the Development Review Board hearing, in person or by letter, with sufficient specificity to afford the Development Review Board and the parties an opportunity to respond to the issue. Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity will preclude any appeal on that issue. Parties with standing may appeal the decision of the Development Review Board to the City Council.

Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) are available for persons with impaired hearing and can be scheduled for this meeting. The City will also endeavor to provide qualified sign language interpreters and/or qualified bilingual interpreters, without cost, if requested at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To obtain such services, please call Sandra King, City Recorder, at 503-570-1506.

Inquiries pertaining to these hearings may be made to Blaise Edmonds, Manager of Current Planning at (503) 682-4960.

Vicinity Map

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Publish 02/03/2016. WS300

The Oregon Institute of Technology will be adopting special institutional fees and parking fees for the 2016-2017 school year. Fee schedules can be obtained through the Oregon Tech Business Affairs Office in Klamath Falls. A meeting is scheduled to review the proposed fees on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 122 at the Oregon Tech Wilsonville campus. For further questions please contact Denise Reid 541.885.1227

Publish 02/03, 02/10, 02/17, 02/24/2016. WS301