Notice of Preliminary Determination for
Water Right Transfer T-12078
T-12078 filed by Fessler Family LLC, 13009 McKee School Road, Woodburn, OR, 97071, proposes additional points of appropriation under Certificates (C-) 57082, 87080, 89260, 89431, 89432, and 89433. C-57082 allows the use of 0.92 cfs from a well in Sec. 10, T6S, R2W, WM for irrigation in Sec. 10. C-87080 allows the use of 0.30 cfs from two wells in Sec. 10, T6S, R2W, WM for irrigation in Sec. 10. C-89260 allows the use of 0.43 cfs from a well in Sec. 10, T6S, R2W, WM for irrigation in Sec. 10. C-89431 allows the use of 1.69 cfs from three wells in Sec. 9, T6S, R2W, WM for irrigation in Sects. 9 and 10. C-89432 allows the use of 0.72 cfs from three wells in Sec. 9, T6S, R2W, WM for irrigation in Sects. 9 and 10. C-89433 allows the use of 0.33 cfs from three wells in Sec. 9, T6S, R2W, WM for irrigation in Sec. 9. The applicant proposes additional points of appropriation within Sects. 9 and 10, T6S, R2W, WM. The Water Resources Department has concluded that the proposed transfer appears to be consistent with the requirements of ORS Chapter 540 and OAR 690-380-5000.
Any person may file, jointly or severally, a protest or standing statement within
30 days after the last date of newspaper publication of this notice, which is
March 23, 2016. Call (503) 986-0807 to obtain additional information or a protest form. If no protests are filed, the Department will issue a final order consistent with the preliminary determination.
Published Mar. 16 & 23, 2016.