COMMENT DEADLINE: On Monday, July 11th, 2016, the City of Oregon City Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 615 Center Street, Oregon City 97045 on the following Type III application. Any interested party may testify at the public hearing or submit written testimony at or prior to the close of the hearing.

FILE NUMBER(S): US 16-02 / NR 16-04 / SP 16-04 / VR 16-01

APPLICANT: George Glass, Berryhill Equity LLC, 4004 Kruse Way Place, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

OWNER: David L. Higgins, CEG, LEG, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., 3990 Collins Way, Ste. 100, Lake Oswego,, OR 97035

PROPOSAL: A 246-foot long X 12-foot high retaining wall is proposed on the Berryhill Park Apartments property to mitigate a landslide. The land use application includes applications for Geologic Hazards Review, Minor Site Plan & Design Review, Natural Resources Verification, and a Variance for wall height.

LOCATION: 13945 Beavercreek Rd & 14155 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045, Clackamas County APN 3-2E-04C-00803 and 00807


CONTACT PERSON: Peter Walter AICP, Planner (503) 496-1568, Email:

NEIGHBORHOOD: Hillendale Neighborhood Association

CRITERIA: The following chapters of the Oregon City Municipal Code (OCMC) may be applicable to this proposal: OCMC 12.04 – Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places, OCMC 12.08 – Public and Street Trees, OCMC 13.12 – Stormwater Management, OCMC 15.48 – Grading Filling and Excavating, OCMC 17.16 – “R-3.5” Dwelling District, OCMC 17.18 – “R-2” Multi-Family Dwelling District, OCMC 17.41 – Tree Protection Standards, OCMC 17.44 – Geologic Hazards, OCMC 17.49 – Natural Resource Overlay District, OCMC 17.50 – Administrative Processes, OCMC 17.52 – Off-Street Parking and Loading, OCMC 17.54.100 – Fences, OCMC 17.58 – Lawful Non-conforming Uses Structures and Lots, OCMC 17.60 – Variances, and OCMC 17.62 – Site Plan and Design Review. The City Code Book is available on-line at

This application and all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant are available for inspection at no cost at the Oregon City Planning Division, 221 Molalla Avenue, Suite 200 from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM, Monday – Friday. The staff report, with all the applicable approval criteria, will also be available for inspection seven days prior to the hearing. Copies of these materials may be obtained for a reasonable cost in advance. Any interested party may testify at the public hearing and/or submit written testimony at or prior to the close of the City Commission hearing. Written comments must be received by close of business at City Hall 10 days before the scheduled hearing to be included in the staff report. Written comments received within 10 days of the hearing will be provided to the Commission at the hearing. The public record will remain open until the City Commission closes the public hearing. Please be advised that any issue that is intended to provide a basis for appeal must be raised before the close of the City Commission hearing, in person or by letter, with sufficient specificity to afford the Commission and the parties an opportunity to respond to the issue. Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity will preclude any appeal on that issue. Parties with standing may appeal the decision of the City Commission to the Land Use Board of Appeals. Any appeal will be based on the record. The procedures that govern the hearing will be posted at the hearing and are found in OCMC Chapter 17.50 and ORS 197.763.

A city-recognized neighborhood association requesting an appeal fee waiver must officially approve the request through a vote of its general membership or board at a duly announced meeting prior to the filing of an appeal pursuant to OCMC 17.50.190(C)(5) to and 17.50.290(C).
Publish 06/15/2016. CLK13659