CURRENT: 09/29/16

The City of Lake Oswego Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chamber located in Lake Oswego City Hall at 380 A Avenue on Monday, October 10, 2016, 6:30 p.m. The Commission will consider LU 16-0042, a request from the City of Lake Oswego, on behalf of the Evergreen Neighborhood Association, for amendments to the Evergreen R-7.5 Overlay District Code (LOC 50.05.002).

The Community Development Code sets a maximum base height for structures in low-density residential zones (28 ft. for flat lots in the R-7.5 zone), with additional height allowances for roof forms and architectural features that project above the maximum base height. Roof forms may extend not more than six feet higher than the base height, when specific building dimensional standards are met pursuant to LOC The proposed amendment would disallow this additional building height in the Evergreen R-7.5 Overlay District, consistent with the Evergreen Neighborhood Plan.

A copy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Planning & Building Services Department at City Hall. Since the time allowed for public testimony is limited, you are urged to review the record and be thoroughly familiar with it if you plan to testify.

Information can also be obtained by visiting the City’s website at:
(Search for LU 16-0042)

Recommendation: A final recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. A final decision on this proposal will be made by the City Council.

Staff Contact: Sarah Selden, Senior Planner,
(503) 697-6524 or
Publish 10/06/2016. LOR15863722