Bids due: October 27, 2016 @ 9:00 am
Bid closing for the following projects will be in the lobby of the Oregon Department of Transportation, 3930 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, Oregon, beginning at 9:00:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 27, 2016.
Submit paper bids to Wynnette Gentemann, Construction Contracts Manager at the following time and place:
• Before 9:00:00 a.m. on the day of Bid Closing
• For Bids submitted by mail or parcel delivery service, send to:
• ODOT Procurement Office-Construction Contracts Unit, MS#2-2
3930 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97302-1166.
• For Bids submitted by hand delivery, date stamp the Bid with the provided date stamping device and place into the ODOT Procurement Office Bid Box located in the lobby of:
• Oregon Department of Transportation
3930 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97302-1166
Submit electronic bids, on-line, through Bid Express ( before 9:00:00 a.m. on bid opening day.
The closing time for submitting bids is at 9:00:00 a.m. on the day of bid opening.
To be eligible for award of Oregon Department of Transportation construction contracts, bidders (prime contractors) must submit a prequalification application according to OAR 734-010-0220 through 734-010-0280 at least ten calendar days before the bid opening date. This requirement will be strictly enforced. Prequalification must be in the class of work that is indicated in the project’s special provisions, and the bid booklet. The Agency will reject bids from bidders who are not prequalified for the class of work indicated.
The Prequalification Application form and instructions are published on the Agency’s web site at: CS/CONSTRUCTION/Pages/Prequalification.aspx
A $200.00 FILING FEE must accompany the Prequalification Application. For further information, call 503-986-2710.
To view and download plans, specifications, and bid booklets PLEASE visit the Agency’s Electronic Bidding Information System (eBIDS) website at: https://ecm.odot.state.
The eBIDS site allows free access to plans and special provisions, up-to-date bidding information, and each project holders of plans.
All project addenda and clarification letters are published on the Agency’s web site at:
Preliminary bid results are published on the following web sites by close of business on bid opening day: ODOT/CS/CONSTRUCTION/pages/preliminary_bid_results.aspx
Award of contracts will not be final until:
1) Three working days after Notice of Intent to Award is posted on the Agency’s web site or 2) The Agency provides a written response to each timely protest, denying the protest and affirming the award; whichever is later.
All projects include a steel escalation clause.
All projects have minimum wage rate requirements. Wage publications are published on the Agency’s web site at:
All projects require work to be performed by the Contractor’s own organization of at least 30 percent of the awarded contract amount.
All federally funded projects have “BUY AMERICA” requirements.
Email the Project Manager listed at the end of each announcement for PROJECT SPECIFIC TECHNICAL QUESTIONS.
The project cost range value is preliminary, may not reflect the current scope of the project, and is not a reflection of the Engineer’s Estimate.
1. JEFFERSON COUNTY: US20: Suttle Lake – Santiam Summit Section of the Santiam Highway near Sister. FAP No. STP-S016(058). ($500,000 – $1,000,000). Req. approx. 400 ft2 temp. signs; 1,920 hr flaggers; 2 ea PCMS; 320 hr pilot cars; constr. surv. wk.; 63 yd3 exc.; 240 yd3 st. emb.; 150 yd3 riprap; 95 ft CIPP liner; 2,378 ft sew. pipe; 1,203 ft2 paved culv. end sl.; 6 ea MH; 40 ea conc. inlets; 294 yd2 trench resurf.; 535 ft sew. pipe surf. anchored; 161 ea culv. mkrs.; 3.3 yd3 sign supp. foot.; 3,703 lb stl. Sign supp.; 12 ft2 signs; 2 ac clear. grub. & perm. seed. Completion Time: September 15, 2017. Class of Work: Earthwork and Drainage. THIS PROJECT CONTAINS A 0% DBE GOAL. PROJECT MANAGER: ROBERT TOWNSEND, EMAIL: ROBERT.L.TOWN SEND@ODOT.STATE.OR.US.
2. CLACKAMAS COUNTY: OR213: KING RD – MT SCOTT CREEK BRIDGE ADA RAMPS Section of the CASCADE HIGHWAY NORTH in Portland. FAP No. STP-S068(030). ($100,000 – $500,000). Req. approx. 520 ft² temp. signs; 1 ea temp. TMA; 200 ft ped. chann. device; 2 ea seq. arrow signs; 2 ea PCMS; 140 hr. flaggers; 30 ea TCS; 150 ton contam. Soil rem.; 35 ton painted conc.; temp. ped. acc. pl.; const. surv. work; 540 yd3 gen. exc.; 2 ea conc. inlets; 1 ea manhole; 770 ton aggr. base; 274 ton ACP (14 ton PG70-22ER asph.); 660 ft conc. curbs; 2,500 ft2 conc. dwys.; 3,000 ft2 conc. walks; 21 ea sidewalk ramp; 1,400 ft2 pvmt. bar; 28 ea. closure barr.; sign. supp.; 143 ft2 signs in pl.; traff. Signal mod.; detect. install.; interconnect syst. Completion Time: September 8, 2017. Class of Work: Miscellaneous Highway Appurtenances. THIS PROJECT CONTAINS A 0% DBE GOAL. PROJECT MANAGER: CHRISTOPHER AGUON, EMAIL: CHRIS TOPHER. AGUON@ODOT.STATE.OR.US.
The Oregon Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
The policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to provide equal opportunity for participation in its contracting activities to all persons and firms in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations.
The Department of Transportation may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Department of Transportation that it is in the public interest to do so.
Notice 14131 – November 27, 3 week ad
Published Oct. 14, 2016.