Clackamas County announces grant-funding opportunities to improve health of community On October 12, the 2021 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community Grants become available for organizations to apply for various sized grants totaling $400,000. The grants will fund community-driven projects that advance health equity within specific communities in Clackamas County, while engaging in capacity building and strengthening relationships and partnerships. Grant funding available to address these focus areas: — Increased access to dental care for high priority populations — Coordination of suicide prevention and harm reduction activities — Increase access and utilization to alcohol and drug use treatment — Improve access to treatment for adolescents and adults with depression — Increase access to behavioral health support services — Reduce Emergency Departments visits for those with Medicaid who are experiencing mental health concerns — Follow-up care after an Emergency Department visit — Chronic disease prevention and outreach — Improved access to culturally preferred healthy foods — Increase number of clinical and community sites in Clackamas County who screen for food insecurity — Increase food distribution sites to culturally specific markets, community agriculture and local sources to invest in the localization of the supply chain and streamline distribution — Assess level of nutritious and culturally appropriate food at pantries through nutrition policy recommendations and evaluation tools to identify the preferred foods of community members utilizing pantries Grant applicants’ projects must meet the goals of the 2020-2023 Blueprint plan found on the county’s Public Health website at Organizations are required to view an online webinar on before submitting an application. Grants will vary in size from a minimum of $2,500 to a maximum of $75,000 through June 30, 2023. Grant awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of applications. The deadline to submit a grant application is November 2, 2021, 5:00 p.m. With the 2021 grant funding, Clackamas County Public Health will continue to support its communities with an enhanced focus on the most pressing challenges facing the residents of Clackamas County, including the impact of COVID-19, addressing social determinants of health and racial equity, the impact of climate change on our rural communities, and under-resourced and marginalized high priority populations. For more information and to apply online, go or contact Susan Berns-Norman at Publish Oct. 6, 2021 CLK216413
ad: 216413
Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/10/06
End Date: 2021/10/07
Owner: Clackamas County Public Health Division
County: Clackamas