NOTICE OF DISPOSITION OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY MILWAUKIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MILWAUKIE, OREGON As provided by ORS chapter 98, notice is hereby given of the intent of the Milwaukie Police Department to dispose of unclaimed property. Any persons having interest in the property may make claim, by showing legal ownership to said property. The property will be available for identification by appointment only, no later than 30 days from the date of this publication. Please call (503) 786-7430 to make an appointment. A general description of the property is as follows: bicycles, jewelry, backpacks, tools, misc. electronics, misc. clothing and other articles. Publish Oct. 6, 2021. CLK205259
ad: 205259
Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/10/06
End Date: 2021/10/07
County: Clackamas