IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR YAMHILL COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT CASE NO. 22PB09132 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of: MARJORIE GERTRUDE GARRICK, DECEASED. NOTICE: Within four months from the date of first publication, all persons having claims against this estate are required to present them, with vouchers, to the Personal Representative, Jeffrey N. Robins, c/o Denise Soto, Soto Law Firm, P.C., Attorney for Personal Representative, 939 Elm Street SW, PO Box 1045, Albany, OR 97321, (541) 917-0111, or they may be barred. Any persons whose rights may be affected by these proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the above-entitled Court, the Personal Representative, or from his attorney. Dated and first published: October 19, 2022. Jeffrey N. Robins Personal Representative Denise Soto, Soto Law Firm, P.C. Attorney for Personal Representative 939 Elm Street SW PO Box 1045 Albany, OR 97321 Tel (541) 917-0111 Published Oct. 19, 26 & Nov. 2, 2022. NG261598
ad: 261598
Publication: Probate
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2022/10/19
End Date: 2022/11/02
Court Number: DENISE B. SOTO
Owner: Soto Law Firm, PC
County: Yamhill