PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CASCADE CAMPUS PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING AND MEDICAL SIMULATION CENTER Proposals due: October 23, 2020 @ 2:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS SOLICITATION NO: P&CC20-006RFP Portland Community College (PCC) is soliciting proposals for construction management/general contractor (CM/GC) services for the Cascade Campus Public Safety Building and the Medical Simulation Center. The project will include building demolition, new building construction, and site improvements on occupied sites. The scope of work includes replacement of the existing 2,500 SF Cascade Campus Public Safety Building and associated site improvements, as well as a 2,200 SF interior buildout of a medical and emergency response simulation center in the Public Service Education Building. The total project budget is $6 million for both projects. Scope of services includes preconstruction and construction services involving management and completion of construction work within a negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), as that term is defined in ORS 279C.332. Detailed information is available in the full RFP. This is a public works contract subject to the payment of prevailing wages under ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic only emailed proposals will be accepted. Interested proposers must submit a proposal electronically pursuant to the provisions of this solicitation to prior to the closing. SOLICITATION DUE DATE AND TIME (CLOSING): October 23rd at 2:00 P.M. Pacific Time The number of proposals received, the identity of proposers, or the contents of any proposal will not be disclosed to the public until all proposals have been evaluated, negotiations completed if required, and a recommendation for award has been published. Proposers are solely responsible for ensuring that Portland Community College receives its proposal. LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED A MANDATORY Virtual Pre-Proposal Conference will be held online Tuesday October 6th, 2020 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 955 5569 2678 Passcode: 961263 One tap mobile +16699006833,,95555692678#,,,,,,0#,,961263# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,95555692678#,,,,,,0#,,961263# US (Tacoma) Prospective proposers must register with ORPIN to obtain the RFP and its mandatory addenda at the ORPIN website: Emerging small businesses, as well as minority-owned, women-owned, and service disabled veteran-owned enterprises are encouraged to submit a response to this RFP solicitation. All questions and comments regarding this RFP shall be directed ONLY BY EMAIL to Vanessa Ytteroy at Unauthorized contact regarding this solicitation with other PCC staff or any contractor PCC has currently or previously engaged for this project may result in disqualification from the RFP process. PROPOSALS SHALL BE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SOLICITATION. THE COLLEGE MAY REJECT ANY PROPOSAL NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PRESCRIBED REQUIREMENTS. Published September 29, 2020. BT178661

ad: 178661

Publication: Construction 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/09/29

End Date: 2020/09/29

Owner: Portland Community College


County: Multnomah

Bid Date: 10/23/20

Bid Time: 2:00 PM