NOTICE OF FLOODPLAIN PERMIT ISSUANCE proposed Willamette Water Supply Program project.

NOTICE OF FLOODPLAIN PERMIT ISSUANCE The City of Beaverton intends to issue a site development permit for the proposed Willamette Water Supply Program project. The project site located at 10029 SW Nimbus Ave., is within the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) designated 100-year floodplain of Lower Fanno Creek. The work proposed within the floodplain includes …

Notice to Interested Persons probate notice CYNTHIA ANN HORDICHOK

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of CYNTHIA ANN HORDICHOK, Deceased. Case No. 21PB08853 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required …

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE on December 31, 2021 at 11:00 AM.

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice of a self-storage sale: Money Saver Mini Storage 1197 Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR 97045 is hereby given notice that the personal property belonging to the following individuals, which are in default, will be sold via online auction to the highest bidder on December 30, 2021 at 11:00 AM. …


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOREST GROVE PLANNING COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 311-21-000043-PLNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forest Grove Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 20, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., or thereafter, at the Community Auditorium, 1915 Main Street, to consider the following proposal: Proposal: Conditional use permit for a 19,132-square- …


Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: BAKERY BLOCKS MODIFICATIONS (DR2021-0127/ HR2021-0001) The applicant, KAD LLC, requests approval of a Modification of a Decision of a Historic Review (HR2020-0002). The previous approval included removing the enclosure to the front porch of the historic …

SCHOLLS HEIGHTS PUD PHASES 1A (EAST) / 1B (WEST) MODIFICATIONS (CU2021-0012 / DR2021-0083 / LD2021-0010)

Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: SCHOLLS HEIGHTS PUD PHASES 1A (EAST) / 1B (WEST) MODIFICATIONS (CU2021-0012 / DR2021-0083 / LD2021-0010) The applicant, Taylor Morrison Homes, requests approval of a Modification of a Decision of a Planned Unit Development (CU2017-0010), a Design …

Notice of Foreclosure Sale on December 29th at 11:00am

Notice of Foreclosure Sale Notice of a self-storage sale at Money Saver Mini Storage O.C.2 19212 Beavercreek Rd Oregon City,Or. 97045 is hereby given notice that the personal property belonging to the following individuals which are in default will be sold via online auction to the highest bidder on December 29th at 11:00am. Lashanna …