PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY (PSU) I-405 PERIMETER FENCING (EAST) Bids Due: March 24, 2020 @ 2:00 pm INVITATION TO BID (ITB) No. 1673 Sealed bids for the Portland State University (PSU) I-405 Perimeter Fencing (East) will be received until 2:00 pm March 24, 2020, at Richard & Maurine Neuberger Center, 1600 SW 4th Ave., Suite 260, Portland, OR 97201 and publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter. Bids received after 3:00 pm will not be opened. Briefly, the work includes the installation of new fencing along PSU’s property line with ODOT I-405. The purpose of the new fence is to discourage people not affiliated with PSU from entering PSU property from non-standard entry points. The existing ODOT fence along the property line is not providing adequate deterrent to people intent on accessing areas of PSU property. The new fencing will extend from the property line between PSU and the American Plaza Madison Tower, 2309 SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR 97201 to the South side of the building located at 330 SW Lincoln St, Portland, OR 97201. Interested parties can view and download the ITB, which is posted on the State of Oregon, Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) website: http://orpin.oregon.gov/open.dll/welcome. Published February 28, 2020. BT155611

ad: 155611

Publication: Construction 1

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/02/28

End Date: 2020/02/28

Owner: Portland State University


County: Multnomah

Bid Date: 03/24/20

Bid Time: 2:00 PM