Pursuant to Section 50.40.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: White Lotus Healing Spa HO 2020-0001 The applicant requests Type Two Home Occupation approval for a facial, peels, hypnotherapy and skincare consulting business within an existing single-family residence in a residential zone. The applicant proposes to have two to three customers visit the site three days per week and zero outside employees. The site is currently developed with one single-family home, and is located at 17490 NW Autumn Ridge Drive, Tax Lot 7000 of Washington County Assessor’s Map 1N131AC. The site is within the R7 Residential zoning district and within the Five Oaks/Triple Creek Neighborhood Association Committee. Any decision on the above development proposal shall be based on the Approval Criteria contained in the following section of Development Code of the Beaverton: Home Occupation Type 2. Written comments on the above development proposal shall be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Failure to raise an issue or failure to provide statements or evidence with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-making authority an opportunity to respond to such issue, may preclude appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. Mailed written comments shall be sent to the Current Planning Division, PO Box 4755, Beaverton, OR 97076. Written comments submitted in person shall be delivered to the Planning Division, 4th Floor, the Beaverton Building, 12725 SW Millikan Way, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. The Director is the decision-making authority for the above application and shall issue a written decision on the above development proposal on or around April 8, 2020, pursuant to Section 50.40.10. Copies of the decision will be made available on the City’s website or may be purchased at the Planning Division Counter for a reasonable cost. For more information contact Brett Cannon in the Planning Division at (503) 350-4028. Dated this February 27, 2020 Jana Fox, Current Planning Manager, City of Beaverton Publish March 5, 2020 TT156114
ad: 156114
Publication: OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/03/05
End Date: 2020/03/05
Owner: City of Beaverton
County: Washington