JOINT WATER COMMISSION CITY OF HILLSBORO WATER DEPARTMENT FINISHED WATER PUMP REPLACEMENT PROJECT Bids due and Bid Closing Date and Time: May 27th, 2020, 2:00 PM First Tier Subcontractor Disclosure due: Not later than May 27th, 2020, 4:00 PM INVITATION TO BID (ITB) – PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. 2020004-10023 The JWC seeks bids from qualified firms able to provide construction services for removal and disposal of existing, furnishing, installation and testing of new 400 Hp and 800 Hp finished water pumps and motors at the JWC Finished Water Pump Station #1 located at the JWC Water Treatment Plant along Fern Hill Road in Forest Grove. The work also include removal of existing and installation of three new reinforce concrete pump pedestal, and all associated electrical and other work that consists of providing all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, services, transportation, permits, and submittals required to complete the project. Omissions from the Contract Documents of details of work that are necessary to carry out the intent of the Contract shall not relieve the Contractor from performing the omitted work. There is no pre-qualification process for this ITB. An optional pre-bid conference will be held at 9:00 AM on April 29, 2020 at JWC Water Treatment Plant 4949 SW Winters Road, Cornelius, Oregon 97113. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, those Bidders planning to attend pre-bid conference MUST RSVP and shall limit their teams to two people. Contact Nesh Mucibabic PE at 503 358 7855, by Monday 27, 2020 to schedule a one hour pre-bid site visit. All bids are to be submitted electronically through Biddingo no later than 2:00 pm PST on May 27, 2020. Questions about this ITB may be directed to the Contact: Nesh Mucibabic PE at: 150 E Main St, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. Email: nesh.mucibabic, 503-615-6541. ITB documents may be obtained at the JWC’s Bid/RFP webpage – sboro. Vendor registration is at no charge. A subscription to the Biddingo system is not required. Hard copy ITB documents may be viewed at 150 E Main St, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. This ITB is for construction of a Public Work subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 (prevailing wage law). Published April 24, 2020. FGNT/HT162361

ad: 162361

Publication: Invitations To Bid

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/04/29

End Date: 2020/04/29

Owner: City of Hillsboro


County: Washington

Bid Date: 05/27/20

Bid Time: 2:00 PM