Revised Notice of Public Hearing-PPA Map Amendment City of Sandy Urban Growth Boundry.

REVISED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED ON A PROPOSED CLACKAMAS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENT TO EXPAND THE CITY OF SANDY’S URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY The Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will hold a public hearing to consider a proposed Post-Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA) to the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan Map. The amendment would expand the City of Sandy’s urban growth boundary (UGB). If approved by both Clackamas County and the City of Sandy, the UGB expansion would bring approximately 6.42 acres of the subject property (described as 4.37 acres of T2S, R4E, Section 23 Tax Lot 701 W.M., as well as an approximately 2.05-acre, 900-foot-long section of Hwy 211) in to the City’s UGB. The subject property is already inside of the City’s Urban Reserve Area (URA). The application represents that the UGB expansion is necessary to allow: a road connection between Hwy 211 and a new residential subdivision within City limits (Bailey Meadows); associated storm drainage improvements; accompanying utilities; grading; slope and temporary construction easements; and additional area for park land dedication. The proposal, which is in File No. Z0004-20-CP, is available at: The public may review and comment on the proposed amendment before and/or at the public hearing. Board of Commissioners Public Hearing 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 6, 2020 While Clackamas County is abiding by social distancing requirements during the coronavirus pandemic, the Board is able to hold land use public hearings virtually using the Zoom platform. One week prior to the hearing, a Zoom link to the public hearing and details on how to observe and testify online or by telephone will be available on our website: For more information: Glen Hamburg, 503-742-4523 or Published 04/29/20 SP162845

ad: 162845

Publication: Gresham Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/04/28

End Date: 2020/04/29

Owner: Clackamas County Planning and Zoning Division


County: Clackamas