ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Joint Water Commission Invitation to Bid (ITB) – Public Improvement Fern Hill Reservoirs Safety Improvements ITB No. 202012-10045 Bids due and Bid Closing Date and Time: January 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM First Tier Subcontractor Disclosure due: Not later than January 14, 2021 at 4:00 PM The Joint Water Commission (JWC) seeks competitive sealed bids from qualified and experienced firms able to provide construction services at the Fern Hill Reservoirs for safety improvements including exterior access stairs, access platforms, davit crane base at the access hatch, anchor points, interior ladder safety appurtenance and railings around the perimeter of the tanks and hatches, safety striping near the perimeter. Additionally, downspout modifications is required. There is no pre-qualification process for this ITB. There is no mandatory pre-bid meeting. If a prospective bidder desires a site visit, he or she must email the JWC contact by December 28, 2020 to schedule. Due to the COVID conditions, site-visits will be limited to a specific time and participation will be limited to two persons in order to minimize exposure potential. The visit will strictly be an opportunities for bidders to view the site. No questions will be answered and no information beyond what is in this ITB will be provided. Sealed bids will be received by Contact: Electronic bid submission is required. Late bids will be rejected as non-responsive. First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure: A Bidder may submit First-Tier Subcontractor disclosure with their bid or may submit it to the Contact by email. If submitting by email, Bidder is responsible for assuring the email is received timely by the JWC. To submit a bid: Bidders must first register on the JWC and City of Hillsboro eBidding site at: Bids must be submitted electronically at A public bid opening will be held by web-conference through MS Teams on due date of the bid at 2:15 PM PST. The conference can be accessed via the following link: Questions about this ITB may be directed to the Contact person for this ITB (Contact): Negar Niakan, email: ITB documents may be obtained at the Bid/RFP webpage: Vendor registration is at no charge. A subscription to the Biddingo system is not required. Special arrangements must be made for viewing of hard copy documents. Email the Contact for more information. This ITB is for construction of a Public Work subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 (prevailing wage law). Published December 18, 2020. BT187301
ad: 187301
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/12/18
End Date: 2020/12/18
Owner: City of Hillsboro
County: Washington
Bid Date: 01/14/21
Bid Time: 2:00 PM