CENTENNIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 28J 2020 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION BOND QUALIFICATIONS OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS Qualifications due: April 14, 2021 @ 2:00pm REQUEST FOR GENERAL CONTRACTORS QUALIFICATIONS SOLICITATION NO. RFP #41421-01 The Centennial School District is requesting statement of qualification proposals from qualified firms interested in being included on a list of qualified eligible contractors to bid on one or more renovations projects; additions and renovation at Parklane, Patrick Lynch, Powell Butte and Meadows Elementary Schools. Proposals will be subjected to an internal committee review and evaluation process. Brevity and clarity are appreciated. Top-rated candidates may be invited to an informal interview. Firms that achieve the requisite score shall be included on a list of approved general contractors. Inclusion on the list of eligible vendors does not guarantee award of contracts. The District reserves the right to: (1) reject any or all proposals; (2) waive any informalities or irregularities; (2) negotiate final contracts that are in the best interest of the District; (4) select firms which appear to be in the best interest of the District. A copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) document is available upon request from the District Representative indicated below. Any addenda will be sent to interested parties from the same District Representative no later than the date specified in the RFP, it is the proposing firm’s sole responsibility to receive and acknowledge addenda. Scott Rose scott@randcmanagment.com (503) 312-5404 Proposals shall be submitted as specified in the RFP no later than 2:00pm. April 14, 2021. Paul Southerton Director of Business & Operations Published March 17 & 24, 2021. OL195940
ad: 195940
Publication: Invitations To Bid
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/03/16
End Date: 2021/03/24
Owner: Centennial School District
County: Multnomah
Bid Date: 04/14/21
Bid Time: 2:00 PM