NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING on the 14th day of April at 6:00 p.m.

NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to ORS 294.401, that a meeting of the budget committee of the City of Metolius will be held on the 14th day of April at 6:00 p.m. for receiving the budget message and budget document of the district for the fiscal year 2021-22. The budget committee meeting will be held at the Metolius Train Depot located at 599 Washington Avenue, Metolius, OR 97741 and via Zoom Cloud Meeting. Zoom Meeting Information URL: UWhoc3pHbnVGdk9YNjZ2bEU4WW5VQT09 Meeting ID: 839 9784 0686 Password: 144223 Call in Phone Number: 1 253 215 8782 This is a public meeting where deliberations of the budget committee will take place. Public comment will be accepted in person, via email to or at the city drop box located at 636 Jefferson Avenue, Metolius, OR 97741 by 4:00 p.m. on April 14th. A copy of the budget document will be available at City Hall, on the website at, or by email request at Publish: March 31, April 7, 2021 MP197119

ad: 197119

Publication: Madras Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/03/31

End Date: 2021/04/07

Owner: City of Metolius


County: Jefferson