NOTICE OF BALLOT TITLE REFERRAL BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWBERG Notice is hereby given that the City Recorder/Elections Officer of Newberg has received a proposal from the City Council of Newberg to seek voter approval to refer approval of Urban Renewal Plan as set by Resolution 2021-3762. The City Recorder has determined that the proposal contains only one subject, as required by Section 1(2) (d), Article IV of the Oregon Constitution. Notice is further given that the Newberg City Council has submitted the following BALLOT TITLE Adoption of the Newberg Urban Renewal Plan QUESTION: Shall Newberg adopt the Newberg Urban Renewal Plan to encourage development downtown and in the Riverfront District? SUMMARY: The Newberg Urban Renewal Agency has prepared the Newberg Urban Renewal Plan. The general purpose of the Plan is to encourage and incentivize development downtown and in the Riverfront District compatible with the City Comprehensive Plan and adopted master plans for these areas. Because a portion of the Riverfront District is located outside of the current city limits, the Plan also required approval by the Yamhill County Board of Commissioners. The Board approved the Plan, but contingent upon approval by City voters. If approved, the Plan authorizes the City’s urban renewal agency to construct transportation facilities, trails, utilities, parking, and other improvements, and acquire property. The agency would fund these projects using tax increment financing as authorized by state law. Tax increment funds come from the division of property taxes resulting from growth in assessed value within the Plan boundary over the 30-year life of the Plan. The Plan does not directly impose any new taxes. Tax increment funds may only be used for projects described in the Plan and only within the Plan boundary. Notice is further given that any elector of Newberg who believes the proposed measure contains more than one subject or who believes that the ballot title is insufficient, not concise, or unfair may file a petition for judicial review under ORS 250.296 with the Yamhill County Circuit Court no later than 5:00 p.m. August 25, 2021, which is seven business days after this notice. Notification must also be given to the City Elections Officer the same day of filing with the Circuit Court. The agenda packet containing the staff report that was approved by the City Council is available on the City’s website or by contacting the City Recorder at Sue Ryan, Newberg City Recorder and Elections Officer Published August 18, 2021. NG212583

ad: 212583

Publication: Hearing/Meetings 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/08/18

End Date: 2021/08/18

Owner: City of Newberg


County: Yamhill