Notice of Election Ochoco Irrigation District will hold an election for 1 position on the Board of Directors, (1) three-year position. A candidate for Director must be a resident of Oregon and an owner, or shareholder of a corporate owner, of land holding a water right within the district. Nominations of candidates may be made by petition signed by at least 10 electors in the district who are qualified to vote for the director nominated by them. Petitions must be filed with the secretary of the board at least 35 days (10-09-21) before the date of the election (11-10-21). Petitions may be obtained from the District Office. The election will be held in the office of Ochoco Irrigation District at 1001 NW Deer Street, Prineville, Oregon on November 12, 2021. The persons elected shall hold the official position from January 5, 2022 the first Tuesday of the year, for three years. Published: Aug. 31 & Sept. 7, 2021 PCO214227
ad: 214227
Publication: Prineville Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/08/31
End Date: 2021/09/07
Owner: Ochoco Irrigation District
County: Crook