Notice of Preliminary Determination for Water Right Transfer T-13598

Notice of Preliminary Determination for Water Right Transfer T-13598 T-13598 filed by 44 Acre Farms, LLC., Dustin Gruetter, 11251 SE 232ND Ave., Damascus, OR 97089, proposes a change in points of appropriation and a change in place of use under Certificate 94783. The right allows the use of 0.05 cubic foot per second from two wells in Sec. 34, T1S, R3E, WM for nursery use on 5.5 acres in Sec. 34, T1S, R3E, WM. The applicant proposes to move the points of appropriation within Sec. 34, T1S, R3E, WM and to change the place of use within Sec. 34, T1S, R3E, WM. The Water Resources Department proposes to approve the transfer, based on the requirements of ORS Chapter 540 and OAR 690-380-5000. Any person may file, jointly or severally, a protest or standing statement within 30 days after the last date of newspaper publication of this notice, September 17, 2021. Call (503) 986-0815 to obtain additional information. If no protests are filed, the Department will issue a final order consistent with the preliminary determination. IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, the Department’s office is closed to walk-in services. The Department encourages the submission of protests by U.S. Mail. Please consider mailing early to ensure the Department receives the protest by the deadline specified above. Published Sep. 10 & 17, 2021. OL212367

ad: 212367

Publication: Miscellaneous 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/09/10

End Date: 2021/09/17

Owner: Oregon Department of Water Resources


County: Multnomah