STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids due: October 13, 2022 @ 9:00 am Bid Closing for the projects identified below will be at 9:00:00 a.m. on the 13th day of October, 2022. Bid Opening will be at the Oregon Department of Transportation, 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon, beginning at 9:00:00 a.m. on the day of Bid Closing. — Submit electronic bids, on-line, through Bid Express ( before 9:00:00 a.m. on the day of Bid Closing. Submit paper bids to Marie Wright, Construction Contracts Manager: — Before 9:00:00 a.m. on the day of Bid Closing. — For Bids submitted by mail or parcel delivery service, send to the following address: Oregon Department of Transportation Procurement Construction Contracts, MS #5-1 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 — For Bids submitted by hand delivery, date stamp the Bid with the provided date stamping device and place into the ODOT Procurement Bid Box located in the 1st floor lobby at the following address: Oregon Department of Transportation 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 Bids, Bid modifications, and Bid withdrawals will not be accepted at or after 9:00:00 a.m. on the day of Bid Closing. To be eligible for award of Oregon Department of Transportation construction contracts, bidders (prime contractors) must submit a prequalification application according to ODOT’s Oregon Administrative Rules and prequalification procedures at least ten calendar days before the Bid Closing date. Prequalification must be in the class(es) of work indicated in the project’s special provisions, and the bid booklet. The Prequalification Application form, requirements and instructions are on the Agency’s website The Agency’s Electronic Bidding Information System (eBIDS) allows free access to plans, specifications, bid booklets, project addenda, and clarification letters at Preliminary bid results are published on the following websites by close of business on Bid Closing day, Award of contracts will not be final until: 1) Three working days after Notice of Intent to Award is posted on the Agency’s website or 2) The Agency provides a written response to each timely protest, denying the protest and affirming the award; whichever is later. All projects include a steel escalation clause. All projects have minimum wage rate requirements. Wage publications are published on the Agency’s website at All projects require work to be performed by the Contractor’s own organization of at least 30 percent of the awarded contract amount. All federally funded projects have BUY AMERICA requirements. Email the Project Manager listed at the end of each announcement for PROJECT SPECIFIC TECHNICAL QUESTIONS. The project cost range value is preliminary, may not reflect the current scope of the project, and is not a reflection of the Engineer’s Estimate. 2. JACKSON COUNTY: OR66 over RR Bridge & E. Main St. over I-5 Bridge (Ashland) Project on the Green Springs Highway (Rt. No. OR66) in Ashland. FAP No. S021(020). ($2,000,000 – $5,000,000). Req. approx. 935 ft2 temp. signs; 2 ea seq. arr. signs; 4 ea PCMS; 96 hrs flag.; 77 ea TCS; temp. wrk. acc. & contain.; wrk. contain. plan; constr. surv. wrk.; 1,190 ft asph. saw cut.; 242 yd3 exc.; 415 yd2 geot.; br. rem. wrk.; 550 yd2 br. appr. slab CPPR; 181 yd2 cl. 2 prep.; 281 yd3 SCO mat.; 3,568 yd2 constr. SCO; 3,354 yd2 saw cut text.; 319 ft elas. conc. nos.; 302 ft jt. seal; 20 ft type G conc. rail; 772 ft rect. tube retro.; 3,604 yd2 chlor. contam. conc. rem.; 137 yd2 cl. 3 prep.; 5 ea mod. extg. br. drain; 1,685 yd2 CPPR; 230 ton aggr. base; 30 ton aggr. shldr.; 560 ton ACP; 1,200 ft gd. rl.; 7,640 ft thermo. striping; rem. & reinstall signs; 38 fbm wd. sign pt. This project requires Railroad Insurance. Completion Time: August 15, 2023. Class of Work: Bridges and Structures. THIS PROJECT CONTAINS FUEL ESCALATION CLAUSE. THIS PROJECT CONTAINS A 3% DBE GOAL. PROJECT MANAGER: ROGER THOM, EMAIL: ROGER.THOM@ODOT.OREGON.GOV The Oregon Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. The policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to provide equal opportunity for participation in its contracting activities to all persons and firms in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. The Department of Transportation may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Department of Transportation that it is in the public interest to do so. Notice 22039 – October 13, 3 – week ad Published September 23, 2022. BT258087
ad: 258087
Publication: Construction 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2022/09/23
End Date: 2022/09/23
Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation
County: Multnomah
Bid Date: 10/13/22
Bid Time: 9:00 AM