Notice To Interested Persons: Estate of GLEN DALE SCHNETZKY, Deceased: Person Representative:CRAIG ALLEN SCHNETZKY

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of GLEN DALE SCHNETZKY, Deceased Case No. 21PB06489 NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS PURSUANT TO ORS 130.355 Notice is hereby given that Glen D. Schnetzky, deceased, was the Grantor of the GLEN DALE SCHNETZKY REVOCABLE TRUST, under agreement dated October 16, 2019, (the Trust). Craig Allen Schnetzky is Trustee of the Trust. All persons having claims against the Trust are required to present them in writing to the undersigned Trustee, in care of attorney David W. Smiley at David W. Smiley, P.C., 168 NW Greenwood Avenue, Bend, OR 97703, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, or such claims may be barred. Dated and first published October 11, 2022. DAVID W. SMILEY, OSB #954164 David. W. Smiley, P.C. 168 NW Greenwood Avenue Bend, OR 97703 (541) 318-1288 (541) 318-1289 -FAX Published: Oct. 11, 18 & 25, 2022 PCO261168

ad: 261168

Publication: Prineville Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/10/11

End Date: 2022/10/25

Court Number: 21PB06489

Owner: David W. Smiley, P.C.

City: BEND

County: Crook