ESTACADA SCHOOL DISTRICT 108 ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR THE SEISMIC REHABILITATION OF THE ESTACADA HIGH SCHOOL GYM Proposals due: August 25, 2023 @ 4:00 PM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Estacada School District 108 is seeking proposals from firms for the architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical design for the Seismic Rehabilitation of the Estacada High School Gym (the Project), located at 355 NE 6th St, Estacada, Oregon 97023. The building structure was built in 1962. In 2023, the District applied for and received a Seismic Rehabilitation Grant (SRG) for the Project through the Infrastructure Finance Authority: Business Oregon, based on the application prepared by WRK Engineering, Inc. The intent of this RFP is for the consultant to provide an integrated design solution for the entire building. As part of this grant, a preliminary rehabilitation feasibility report was prepared for each portion of the project and is enclosed. The District was awarded $2,498,000 for the design and construction of the Estacada High School Gym Seismic Rehabilitation, with $3,319,753 of that amount allocated to architectural and engineering services; $69,946 to construction management and $1,743,569 to construction costs. The District intends to use the CM/GC procurement project delivery method for this Project. Pre Design/Schematic Design would begin immediately upon award and approval of the resulting design contract. Construction is anticipated to start on June 21, 2024 with the Project completion expected by August 23, 2024. The Project may be vacated during the construction period. Reservations: The District reserves the right to add or subtract from the list of required services outlined in this RFP. The District reserves the right to seek clarifications of each Proposal. The District reserves the right to negotiate final contracts in the best interest of the District. The District reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any time if doing so would be in the public interest, as determined by the District. The total overall estimated Engineer/Consultant services budget for this Project are estimated not to exceed $2,498,072. Attached please find the project RFP and a sample contract that is subject to change prior to signing by the winning Proposer. The Owner will serve as the contracting agency for the project. Submission: Respondents shall submit their proposal electronically to: Christina Irish Director of Finance Estacada School District Proposals must be received no later than 4pm on August 25, 2023. All proposals that are not time-stamped by the deadline will be considered late and will be returned to the proposer unopened. Published June 15, 2023. EN292877
ad: 292877
Publication: Invitations To Bid
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2023/06/13
End Date: 2023/06/15
Owner: Estacada School District
County: Clackamas
Bid Date: 08/05/23
Bid Time: 4:00 PM