Public Notice for Supplemental Hearing to be published in the News-Times on June 15, 2023.

NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING CITY OF HILLSBORO, OREGON A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of Hillsboro,Washington County, State of Oregon for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 will be held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental budget with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained online at on or after June 15, 2023. The City of Hillsboro invites you to attend the meeting using the Zoom teleconference details or joining us in Conference Room 113B&C at the Hillsboro Civic Center located at 150 East Main Street, Hillsboro, OR 97123. To join the Zoom Teleconference, go to and enter the following: Meeting ID: 851 4863 9488 and Passcode: 932487. You can also call in to the meeting by dialing 1-253-215-8782. Written Testimony: Email before 8 am on Tuesday, June 20 to provide written testimony. Teleconference Testimony: Pre-register to speak during the public hearing by providing your name and phone number, or Zoom name, to the City Recorder’s Office before 8 am on Tuesday, June 20. You can pre register by emailing or calling 503-681-6269. Comments are limited to three minutes. In Person Testimony: Please fill out a yellow card located at the back of the room and give it to the City Recorder before the meeting starts. Comments are limited to three minutes. GENERAL FUND Resources Amount Fire Conflagration Reimbursement 243,064 Public Education Classes 3,200 Liberty Science Program 10,000 Ambulance Transport Fees 225,000 Ground Emergency Medical Transport 25,159 Grant – State Seasonal Staffing 3 5,000 Grant – DPSST Peer Support Class 9,000 Total General Fund Resources $550,423 Fire Requirements Personnel Services 5 07,497 Materials & Services 4 2,926 550,423 Total General Fund Requirements $550,423 Comments: To recognize unanticipated revenues in Fiscal Year 2022-23 and increase appropriations for Fire conflagration overtime, costs related to medical transport and other. PARKS SDC FUND Resources Amount Transfer From Parks Supplemental SDC 1,350,000 Total Parks SDC Fund Resources $ 1,350,000 Requirements Debt Service 1,350,000 Total Parks SDC Fund Requirements $ 1,350,000 Comments: To create appropriations in the Debt Service category for the Building Interfund Loan payment which needs to be paid from the Parks SDC Fund for accounting purposes. TDT FUND Resources Transfer from TIF Fund 3,326,400 Transfer from TUF Fund 2,836,400 Total TDT Fund Resources $ 6,162,800 Requirements Capital Outlay 6,162,800 $ 6,162,800 Comments: To recognize resources transferred from TIF Fund as Washington County is permitting the City to move a portion of TIF fund balance to the TDT fund as well as resources transferred from the TUF Fund to reimburse TDT Fund for being overcharged and TUF Fund being undercharged for a transportation project. SEWER FUND Resources Charges for Services 1,300,000 Total Sewer Fund Resources $ 1,300,000 Requirements Special Payments 1,300,000 Total Sewer Fund Requirements $ 1,300,000 Comments: To recognize unanticipated billing revenues and the corresponding required Clean Water Services remittances. SEWER SDC FUND Resources Systems Development Charges 3,000,000 Total Sewer SDC Fund Resources $ 3,000,000 Requirements Special Payments 3,000,000 Total Sewer SDC Fund Requirements $3,000,000 Comments: To recognize unanticipated system development charge revenue and the corresponding required Clean Water Services remittances. BROADBAND FUND Resources Transfer in from Gain Share Fund 1,250,000 Total Broadband Fund Resources $ 1,250,000 Requirements Capital Outlay 1,250,000 Total Broadband Fund Requirements $ 1,250,000 Comments: To recognize unanticipated revenues and adjust appropriations for construction and design of HiLight, the City’s Broadband Service. BROADBAND USER GROUP (BUG) FUND Resources Grants and donations 238,634 Total BUG Fund Resources $ 238,634 Requirements Capital Outlay 238,634 Total BUG Fund Requirements $ 238,634 Comments: To recognize unanticipated grant revenue and the corresponding expenditures in the Capital Outlay categories. SUPPORT SERVICES FUND Requirements Materials & Services (600,000) Debt Service 6 00,000 Total Support Services Fund Requirements $ -______ Comments: To create budget authority in the Debt Service category due to theimplementation of GASB 96 that requires certain subscription-based technology agreements (SBITA) be recognized as long term debt. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FUND Resources Transfer in from Transportation Fund 41,700 Transfer in from Sewer Fund 41,700 Transfer in from SWM Fund 41,700 Total Facilities Management Fund Resources $ 125,100 Requirements Capital Outlay 75,100 Tranfers out to ITF Fund 50,000 Total Facilities Management Fund Requirements $ 125,100 Comments: To recognize a transfer to Facilities Management Fund for the a fast charger installation at the Public Works Facility and a transfer out to the ITF Fund for City’s share of ITF operating costs. INTERMODAL TRANSIT FACILITY (ITF) FUND Resources Transfer in from Facilities Management Fund 50,000 Total ITF Fund Resources $50,000 Requirements Capital Outlay 50,000 Total ITF Fund Requirements $ 50,000 Comments: To recognize a transfer from Facilities Fund for City’s share of operating costs. Publish June 15, 2023 NT292905

ad: 292905

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/06/14

End Date: 2023/06/15

Owner: City of Hillsboro


County: Washington