PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT 10:00 AM ON THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2023, IN THE COMMISSIONER’S HEARING ROOM, 2051 KAEN ROAD, OREGON CITY, OREGON THERE SHALL BE A PUBLIC HEARING BY AND BEFORE THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON THE BOUNDARY CHANGE PROPOSAL LISTED BELOW. INTERESTED PERSONS MAY APPEAR AND WILL BE GIVEN A REASONABLE OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. PROPOSAL NO. CL22-007 – ANNEXATION TO CLACKAMAS COUNTY SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 of territory located at 16571 SE Creswell Cove Lane, in the northern portion of Happy Valley and consists of tax lot that is improved with an existing occupied single-family home on 5.3 acres, more particularly described as: Tax Lots 23E06B 00200, Clackamas Co., OR. The property owners desire sewer service to serve an existing single family residence planned to be remodeled with an addition. The property has been annexed to the City of Happy Valley. The decision on annexation to the District does not authorize or prevent any specific use of land. Current City zoning and planning designations will not be affected by this proposed change. Applicable criteria may be found in the Metro Code 3.09.050 and ORS 198.850 (2). Failure to raise an issue in the hearing, orally or in writing, with specificity and clarity sufficient to allow the Commission or any participant to address and respond to such issue may preclude appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals of the Board’s resolution of that issue. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost. A copy of the staff report will be available for inspection at no cost 15 days before the hearing and will be provided at reasonable cost. To review the information in the application or staff report, acquire copies of these items or for other general information contact Jeffrey D. Munns at (503) 742-5984. June 8, 2023 TOOTIE SMITH, CHAIR Published June 13 & 20, 2023. BT292799
ad: 292799
Publication: Hearing/Meetings
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2023/06/13
End Date: 2023/06/20
Owner: Clackamas County Counsel
County: Clackamas