NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. the
Hubbard City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider adoption of proposed
land use regulations. The hybrid meeting will be held at the Hubbard City
Hall, 3720 Second Street in Hubbard, and online using the Zoom meeting platform.
FILE NO.: Legislative Amendment # LA 2024-03 (no ordinance number assigned
LOCATION: All properties zoned C – Commercial in Hubbard city limits
PROPOSAL: Initiated by Hubbard City Council motion, Legislative Amendment
# LA 2024-03 would adopt revised land use regulations into the Hubbard
Development Code (HDC) to allow “horizontal mixed-use” developments in
the C – Commercial zone. Currently residential uses are permitted in the C
zone only when they are located above or accessory to a primary commercial
use. The new proposed code amendments would provide for more residential
development in the C zone, allowing residential uses to occupy up to 70% of
the ground floor footprint of a new mixed-use development, and 10% of the
primary property frontage ground floor building facade. Existing development
standards would continue to apply, including: setbacks, height, parking, landscaping,
signage, stormwater, screening, frontage improvements, and outdoor
recreation area for multi-family developments.
CRITERIA: Amendments to the HDC are a Type IV Legislative Action reviewed for
consistency with HDC 3.102, the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan, and the Oregon
Statewide Planning Goals.
Zoom online meeting participation links and instructions are provided on the
meeting agendas posted on the City’s website in advance of the scheduled meetings. Anyone desiring to speak for or against
the legislative amendment may do so. Written testimony on the proposed action
should be mailed to P.O. Box 380 Hubbard, OR 97032, or emailed to vlnogle@ Written testimony should be received by the Friday prior to the
meeting to ensure online availability of materials for remote meeting participants.
A full list of proposed amendments along with the staff report are available for
inspection at no cost, or may be printed for purchase at a reasonable cost. For
meeting accommodations, please contact Hubbard City Hall at (503) 981-9633.
Published Dec. 25, 2024 Online & Jan. 1, 2025 Woodburn Independent.