NOTICE OF ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING Mailed to all Owners within 300 feet of the Subject Property on or before: October 4th, 2016 (Notices to affected parties & agencies, DLCD, Neighborhoods, and Newspaper provided separately) COMMENT DEADLINE: On Monday, October 24th, 2016, the Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 pm in the Commission …
Notice of Ballot Title City of Estacada
PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF WILSONVILLE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PANEL B and CITY COUNCIL CASE FILES TO BE CONSIDERED: DB15-0091 Annexation; DB15-0092 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment; DB15-0093 Zone Map Amendment; DB15-0094 Stage I Preliminary Plan (Master Plan); DB15-0095 2 waivers; DB15-0096 Stage II Final Plan; DB15-0097 Site Design Review; DB15-0098 Type ‘C’ Tree Removal Plan and …