REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RFP 1516-06: OIT ABATEMENT/BUILDING DEMOLITION SERVICES Proposals due Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 2:00 PM CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE invites proposals from qualified and experienced Licensed (CCB) contractors (herein after, “Responder”, “Proposer”, “company”, “firm”, “provider” or “contractor”) to provide Abatement (Hazardous Building Material Removal)/ Building Demolition Services for the removal …
Clackamas Community College
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE (RFP 1516-04) ELEVATOR/ADA UPGRADE DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES FOR BARLOW, MCLOUGHLIN AND RANDALL HALLS OREGON CITY, OR Proposals due: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 @ 2:00 pm CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE invites proposals from qualified Design-Build teams (hereinafter, “Responder”, “Proposer”, “company”, “firm”, “provider” or “contractor”) to provide Design-Build Services for Elevator/ADA Upgrades in …
PUBLIC NOTICE Clackamas Community College is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCC). NWCCU will be conducting a regularly scheduled comprehensive evaluation of Clackamas Community College. A committee representing the Commission will visit Clackamas May 2–4, 2016 to evaluate whether Clackamas’s accreditation should be reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent visit to …