PUBLIC NOTICE Crown Castle is proposing to extend an existing 48.4-foot tall monopole communications tower to 63.4 feet (65.4 feet overall height). In addition, a 5-foot by 10-foot (50 square foot) compound expansion is necessary to accommodate associated ground-based equipment. The tower and associated equipment are at the following site: 6801 Southwest Sunset Highway, Portland, …
Crown Castle
PUBLIC NOTICE Crown Castle is proposing to collocate wireless antennas at a center line height of 87-feet on an existing 104-foot telecommunications tower with no ground disturbance at the following site: 575 NW 185 Street, Hillsboro, OR 97006, LAT: 45 31 25.007, LONG:-122 52 6.712. The proposed lighting on the tower is medium intensity dual …
Crown Castle is proposing to install a 94-foot monopole telecommunications tower at the following site: 2400 Douglas Avenue, Newberg, Yamhill County, OR 97132; lat: 45-18-39.05, long: -122-57-9.67. The proposed lighting on the tower is medium intensity dual red and white lights. Crown Castle invites comments from any interested party on the impact of the proposed …