REQUEST FOR CONTRACTOR SPECIAL PREQUALIFICATION: US20 – SHEEP CREEK BRIDGE REPAIR (PHASE 2) STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION US20 Submittals due: February 18, 2016 @ 4:00 pm The Oregon Department of Transportation is seeking Contractor Special Prequalification submittals from Contractors desiring to bid on the US20: Sheep Creek Bridge Repair (Phase 2) Project in …
Multnomah County
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: SECURITY SYSTEM PORT OF CASCADE LOCKS, OR. Proposals due: February 4, 2016 @ 5:00 pm The Port of Cascade Locks is seeking security services for a contract as the Port provider and servicer of record, to develop a Security Master Plan, then procure and install a security system and cameras across the …
PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on an existing building located at 10 NW Broadway, Portland, Multnomah County, OR. The modifications will consist of the removal and replacement of six existing antennas with six new antennas at a height of 92.95-feet on the 92.95-foot penthouse. Any interested …
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: AWBREY DRAINAGE STUDY PROJECT SR15AA BEND, OR Proposals due: February 10, 2016 @ 3:00 pm The City of Bend requests proposals from qualified consultants for professional engineering services for the South Awbrey Butte Drainage Study Project. The intent of the project is to provide improvement recommendations for deficient segments of the Newport …
PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to install new wireless telecommunications antennas on an existing building located at 545 NE 47th Avenue, Portland, OR. The new project will consist of replacing six existing antennas at a center height of 42 feet and replacing three existing antennas at a center height of 55 feet. Any …
PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on an existing building located at 4929 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, Multnomah County, OR. The modifications will consist of removing and replacing three existing antennas with three new antennas within a stealth enclosure and stealth cylinder at a top height of …
LEGAL NOTICE Verizon Wireless is proposing to modify an existing telecommunications facility by replacing and collocating additional antennas on an existing approximate 101-foot tall overall height monopole telecommunications structure at the following existing Crown Castle tower site: 1901 Southeast Haig Street, Portland, OR 97202 – 45-29-52.5N; 122-38-46.6W. Verizon’s associated ground-level equipment would be placed within …
PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on a building located at 2889 SE Hillside Street, Milwaukie, Multnomah County, Oregon. The project will include replacing nine antennas and installing six new antennas at centerline heights of 78 and 97 feet above ground level. Any interested party wishing to …
NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Rose Tankersley v. Justin Crook, et al., Civil No. 3:15-cv-920-MO (USDC D. Oregon): The United States has filed a counterclaim and crossclaim in this lawsuit seeking to reduce income tax assessments against Dwight L. Crook to judgment and foreclose federal tax liens against two parcels of property in Washington County, …