Between May and October of any year, no owner or person in charge of property may allow noxious vegetation to be on the property or in the public right-of-way abutting the property.
It shall be the duty of an owner or person in charge of property to cut down or to destroy grass, shrubbery, brush, and bushes, to prevent them from becoming a fire hazard, or, in the case of weeds or other noxious vegetation, from maturing or from going to seed.
All lots less than one acre shall be maintained completely free of dry grass and weeds that may constitute a fire hazard. Lots one acre or more in area shall be maintained with a twenty (20) foot fire break around the perimeter of the lot that is clear of all dry grass and weeds; in addition the entire property must be free of noxious weeds as defined by the Jefferson County noxious weed list.
If the owner or preson in control of the property is unwilling to abate the nuisance, the City shall cause such abatement in 10 or more days after notification by mail of said nuisance and to charge the cost of doing so on any particular parcel or property to the owner thereof, or the property itself.
Property owners or persons in charge of the property are being encouraged to maintain the lots themselves or to hire a private lot maintenance worker to clear the lots for them. If a private lot maintenance worker is contacted prior to receiving notification by the City of non-compliance with Ordinance No. 875, the property owner or person in charge of the property could save the cost of administration fees, as well as penalties for violation of the ordinance.
Publish: May 11, 18, 25, 2016