PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Yamhill County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 1, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in room 32 of the Yamhill County Courthouse, located at 535 East Fifth Street, McMinnville to consider the following: DOCKET WRG-04-16/NCU-01-16, a request by Matthew Chesley for Willamette River Greenway and Nonconforming Use approval to replace a dwelling on a parcel identified as Tax Lot 4106-101, located at 37108 NE Wilsonville Road, Newberg. The primary address for the property is 3711O NE Wilsonville Road, Newberg. This application is being reviewed based on criteria in Sections 502, 902 and 1205 of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance. All issues and concerns should be raised for consideration by the Planning Commission prior to the close of the hearing because any appeal may be limited to the record of the hearing. Failure to raise an issue, either in person or in writing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to allow an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes an affected party’s appeal of the decision to the Board of Commissioners or Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. Additional information is available from the County Planning Department at 503-434-7516. Dated August 17, 2016, Kenneth P. Friday, Planning Director.
Publish: 08-17-16 NG565158