NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 6:30 PM on WEDNESDAY, January 29, 2020, the Planning Commission of the City of Beaverton will initially consider the application described below. The Planning Commission will meet at the Beaverton Building located at 12725 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, Oregon, in the Council Chambers. TA2019-0003 DEVELOPMENT CODE OMNIBUS TEXT AMENDMENT The City proposes to amend the Development Code to correct minor errors and inconsistencies to clarify code language, improve the organization of the Code, and minor policy changes that don’t warrant separate reviews to make the Code easier to understand and apply. The updates will affect all the Chapters of the Development Code which includes: Chapter 10 (General Provisions), Chapter 20 (Land Uses), Chapter 30 (Nonconforming Uses), Chapter 40 (Applications), Chapter 50 (Procedures), Chapter 60 (Special Requirements), and Chapter 90 (Definitions). The approval criteria for the Text Amendment are found in Section of the Development Code. You may review a copy of the staff report and all other documents and evidence submitted in relation to these applications at the City’s Community Development Department Public Counter, located on the 4th floor of City Hall, on or after January 22, 2020 (7 days prior to the Planning Commission hearing date). Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The staff report and draft text will also be available on the City’s public web site at http://apps.beavertonoregon.gov/DevelopmentProjects/full_list.aspx Failure to raise an issue prior to or at the Planning Commission hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the City Council an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction on that issue. Dated this 2nd day of January, 2020. Jana Fox Current Planning Manager City of Beaverton Publish January 2, 2020 TT146446

ad: 146446

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/01/02

End Date: 2020/01/02

Owner: City of Beaverton


County: Washington