File # 2019-60-ZC-CPA

PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the City of Fairview Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to review the following land use application at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 in the Council Chambers of the Fairview City Hall, located at 1300 NE Village Street, Fairview, Oregon. Interested persons are invited to appear and testify on the proposals. Planning application file number #2019-60-ZC-CPA and Ordinances 2-2020, and 3-2020. This is a consolidated application to change text in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and change the Comprehensive Plan Map designation and Zoning of two parcels (23012 NE Sandy Blvd, 1N3E27B-001100 (6.68 acres); and 1N3E27AC-0100 (0.53 acres)(no address at this site)) from Commercial with Corridor Commercial zoning to General Industrial with General Industrial zoning. The application is subject to the Type III quasijudicial process in accordance with FMC 19.205, Amendments, FMC 19.413, Procedures; FMC 19.470, Land Use District and Text Amendments, and Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2, Policy 7. The Planning Commission will review the above application and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation at a public hearing to be held on January 28, 2020. The City Council may make a final decision regarding the above application at the public hearing that has yet to be scheduled. If the City Council renders a decision, it will be mailed to anyone who submitted written comments, provided public testimony, or who is otherwise legally entitled to notice. Public testimony must be limited to the findings of fact in the Staff Report, the above criteria or other City or State applicable land use standards. Only those persons who submit written comments or appear in person before the Hearing Authority may appeal the decision. The failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decisionmaker and the parties an opportunity to respond may preclude an appeal based on that issue to the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA), and it may preclude damages in Circuit Court. Copies of the application, written testimony or comments, and all documents submitted by or on behalf of the applicant are available for inspection at Fairview City Hall 1300 NE Village Street, Fairview, Oregon. A copy of the staff report will be available seven days before the hearings. Copies of the staff report and application-related materials can be obtained at a reasonable cost from the City. To Submit Comments or Obtain More Information: Written comments regarding the application must be received by the City of Fairview Public Works Department in Fairview City Hall, located at 1300 NE Village Street in Fairview, Oregon, by 12:00 PM on July 25th, 2017 to be included in the Planning Commission packet. If you would like information regarding the application, please call Lauren Scott, Contract Planner, at (503) 674-6205 or e-mail at Published 01/10/2020 GO148160

ad: 148160

Publication: Gresham Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/01/10

End Date: 2020/01/10

Owner: City of Fairview


County: Multnomah