Planning Commission Public Hearings on February 13, 2020: File Numbers PUD19-0002, DCA19-0009 and DCA19-0003.

HEARING NOTICE The Newberg Planning Commission will hold public hearings on February 13, 2020 at 7 p.m. at the Newberg Public Safety Building, 401 E Third Street, Newberg, OR, to evaluate the following new proposals: 1. Riverlands Planned Unit Development (Quasi-Judicial): Consider an application for a 18 lot residential development. The proposed development is on 1.56 acres of land. Applicant: Del Boca Vista LLC File: PUD19-0002 2. Development Code Amendment Accessory Dwelling Unit Parking Requirements (Legislative): Consider an application to amend the parking requirements for accessory dwelling units by removing parking requirements to comply with House Bill (HB) 2001. Applicant: City of Newberg File: DCA19-0009 3. Development Code Amendment Residential Use Restrictions on the First Floor of Building on W and E Second Street (Legislative): Consider an application to amend the Newberg Development Code Section 15.305.020 Zoning Table footnote #5 to remove the restriction of residential use along W and E Second Street. The amendment would remove the reference to Second Street from footnote #5 so that it states The dwelling units must front onto Hancock. No more than 30 percent of a single street frontage of a block may be occupied by residential uses. Contiguous residential street frontage must be less than 60 lineal feet. Density and parking standards for allowable dwelling units must be met. Applicant: City of Newberg File: DCA19-0003 You may examine information regarding these projects at the Newberg Community Development Department, 414 E First Street, Newberg, OR 97132, or on the city website at The staff recommendation regarding these projects will be available one week before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Newberg Planning Division at 503-537-1240. All interested persons may appear and provide testimony. Any written testimony must be submitted to the Community Development Department office by noon on February 10, 2020. Written testimony received after this time will be read out loud at the hearing subject to time limits for speakers, and will be included in the record if there are further proceedings. Only those persons who participate either orally or in writing in the hearing proceedings leading to the adoption of the action may appeal the decision. Published: January 22, 2020 149334

ad: 149334

Publication: Newberg Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/01/22

End Date: 2020/01/22

Owner: City of Newberg


County: Yamhill