Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm the Hubbard City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider and decide upon the following request. The meeting will be held at the Hubbard City Hall, 3720 2nd Street, Hubbard. FILE NUMBERS: #ANX 2019-01 & #ZC 2019-01 APPLICANT/OWNER: Frank J Bronec QTIP TR & Columbia Trust Company TRE ADDRESS: 11984 Broadacres Rd NE Hubbard, Oregon. Tax lot 041W33 00100. REQUEST: Annexation application to bring 54.06 acres from Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) into the Hubbard City Limits, with a concurrent Zone Change application to apply R3 – High Density Residential Zone to 20.39 acres, and R2 – Medium Density Residential Zone to 33.68 acres, from Marion County Urban Transition UT-20 Zone. No development is proposed at this time. STANDARDS/CRITERIA: Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 222 Boundary Changes, Oregon Statewide Planning Goals, City of Hubbard Comprehensive Plan Goals & Policies, Hubbard Development Code (HDC) Section 2.102 R2 District, Section 2.103 R3 District, Section 3.102 – Zone Changes. PROCEDURES: Annexations and Zone Changes are both Type III actions. The HDC allows multiple applications to be reviewed and heard concurrently. A Type III action is a quasi-judicial process in which public hearings are held at both the Planning Commission and City Council. The Planning Commission has an advisory role, and the City Council makes the final decision. Public notice is provided. Persons wishing to speak for or against this proposal may appear in person or by representative at the date and time listed above. Written testimony will be received up to one week prior to the hearing at the City of Hubbard, 3720 2nd Street, or by mail at PO Box 380, Hubbard, Oregon 97032. Failure to raise an issue at the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision-makers an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. A copy of the application documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and applicable standards are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at a reasonable cost. A staff report related to this application will be available for inspection one week prior to the hearing at no cost and copies provided at reasonable cost. For questions contact Holly Byram, City Planner, 503.540.1617. Individuals requiring meeting assistance must make their request known 48 hours preceding the meeting by contacting the Director of Administration/City Recorder Vickie Nogle at 503-981-9633. (TTY / Voice 1-800-735-2900). Published Jan. 29 & Feb. 5, 2020. WI150651

ad: 150651

Publication: Hearing/Meetings 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/01/29

End Date: 2020/02/05

Owner: Cityof Hubbard


County: Marion