NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BALLOT TITLE Pursuant to ORS 250.275 notice is hereby given that a ballot title for a measure referred by the Tigard City Council was filed with the City Elections Officer on January 22, 2020. Any elector dissatisfied with the proposed ballot title may petition City Elections Officer Carol Krager seeking a different title no later than the close of the business day, 6:00 p.m., on February 4, 2020, under Tigard Municipal Code Chapter 1.12.030. CAPTION: Increase Tigard neighborhood police patrols through local option levy. QUESTION: Shall Tigard increase patrol officers and add school resource officer with five-year operating levy, $0.29/$1,000 assessed value, beginning 2020? This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent. SUMMARY: Despite significant increases in population, the minimum patrol staffing has remained the same over the past 25 years. Patrol staffing is 3 to 4 officers per shift citywide. This is insufficient to cover each of the City’s 5 patrol districts. Patrol staffing is not keeping up with demands for service. From 2010-2018, police officer staffing decreased 4% while the population increased 13.6% and calls for service increased 27%. A 2019 independent performance audit recommended the addition of 8 new officers and an additional school resource officer. Passage of this measure would enable the Tigard Police Department to: -Hire 8 additional patrol officers to respond to increased calls for service, multiple emergencies at the same time, and community patrols. -Add 1 school resource officer to enhance student safety. -Train all sworn officers in advanced crisis intervention and de-escalation to address increased mental health crises. The cost of this levy on a typical Tigard home with an assessed value of $280,000 ($447,000 market value) would be $81 per year, or $6.75 per month. Estimated revenues for each year of the levy: 2020-21: $1,980,000 2021-22: $2,050,000 2022-23: $2,130,000 2023-24: $2,200,000 2024-25: $2,280,000 Publish January 30, 2020 TT150265

ad: 150265

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/01/30

End Date: 2020/01/30

Owner: City of Tigard


County: Washington