NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following application is being provided: WEST SYLVAN MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS (CU2019-0011 / DR2019-0182) The applicant, Portland Public Schools, requests New Conditional Use and Design Review Three approval for improvements to the athletic fields at West Sylvan Middle School. The proposed improvements include resurfacing the fields with synthetic turf and reconfiguring the location of the baseball and softball fields; a hitting facility, restrooms, concessions, and storage building; resurfacing the pedestrian path around the perimeter of the fields with asphalt; a backstop, set of bleachers with press box, and two dugouts per ballfield; field lights; two scoreboards; landscaping; and fencing and netting. The improvements are intended to enable temporary use of the fields by Lincoln High School (LHS) athletic teams during the reconstruction of the high school. After reconstruction, the fields will be the permanent home to LHS baseball and softball teams for practices and league games after school hours and on weekends. The athletic fields will continue to be available to middle school students only during normal school hours. The site is located at 8111 SW West Slope Drive, specifically identified as Tax Lot 00100 on Washington County Tax Assessor’s Map 1S112BB. The decision making authority for the above application is the Planning Commission, which will review the proposal in accordance with the approval criteria contained in Development Code Section 40.03.1 Facilities Review, Section New Conditional Use, and Section Design Review Three. Failure to raise an issue in a hearing, by testifying in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence with sufficient specificity to afford the decision making authority an opportunity to respond to such issue, precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on the issue. The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the above application on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in City Council Chambers, First Floor, Beaverton Building. Pursuant to Section 50.88 of the Beaverton Development Code, written comments or exhibits submitted prior to the hearing to be submitted by staff at the hearing must be received by the City Recorder no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of the scheduled hearing. All submittals that are more than two (2) letter size pages must include no fewer than ten (10) complete copies of the materials being submitted. Mailed written comments shall be sent to the Planning Division, PO Box 4755, Beaverton, OR 97076. Written comments submitted in person shall be delivered to the Planning Division, 4th Floor, Beaverton Building, 12725 SW Millikan Way. Copies of the staff report will be available for inspection at the Planning Division Planning Counter or may be purchased at reasonable cost or are available for online viewing at Staff reports are published a minimum of seven (7) calendar days before the date of the initial public hearing. Accessibility information: This information can be made available in large print or audio tape upon request. Assistive listening devices, sign language interpreters, or qualified bilingual interpreters can be made available at any public meeting or program with 72 hours advance notice. To request these services, contact Lauren Russell by calling 711-503-526-3718 or email Dated this 30th Day of January, 2020 Jana Fox, Current Planning Manager, City of Beaverton Publish January 30, 2020 TT150463

ad: 150463

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/01/30

End Date: 2020/01/30

Owner: City of Beaverton


County: Washington