NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice of a self-storage sale: Money Saver Mini Storage 19215 NE Halsey St, Portland, OR 97230 is hereby given notice that the personal property belonging to the following individuals, which are in default, will be sold via online auction to the highest bidder on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 9:00 AM. Cornelius Quentin Smith D034, Robert Swiger F047, Wendy Windham G049, Kelly Allen E048, Mark Anderson H022, Dennis Barnes L038, Gabriel Blas Mercado I060, Jessica Evans C163, Michael Francis C109, Daniel Hansen C026, Joseph Leek F031, Jamie Meza Martinez J032, Denise Murphy F010, Rodney Newman B159, Jeremy Scott I065, Kenneth Shippy B162, Laurie Stonecypher B008, Colleen Walter C055, Courtney West B059, Dennis Wilson B111, Bruce Wood RV34. Published 02/11/20 and 02/18/20 GO152605
ad: 152605
Publication: Gresham Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/02/11
End Date: 2020/02/18
Owner: Money Saver Halsey St.
County: Multnomah