NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL (Legislative – LOC Hearing Date, Time, and Location: Tuesday, March 3, 2020; 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 File Numbers: PP 19-0012 (Resolution 20-07) Applicant: City of Lake Oswego Nature of Application and Proposed Legislative Amendments: The City of Lake Oswego is proposing a concept plan for Luscher Farm to accommodate current and long-term community needs for integrated open space, park and recreational uses, including: 1) urban agriculture uses and programs; 2) athletic fields; and 3) connecting trails and pathways. The City intends to apply to Metro for a major amendment to the Portland Metro Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to add Luscher Farm (approximately 83.3 acres of City-owned parks and open spaces) to the UGB, and the concept plan is required by Metro. Following Metro approval of the UGB amendment, the City intends to amend its Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Boundary so that Luscher Farm can be annexed to the city (subject to voter approval) and zoned Park and Natural Area (PNA). Explanation of Proposal: The City’s is proposing the concept plan and UGB amendment for the Luscher Farm properties because: — Luscher Farm provides open space, urban agriculture and recreational opportunities that cannot be achieved on land inside the existing UGB. — Allows the City to maintain and expand a unique combination of uses such as urban agriculture, community gardens, cultural/ historic education, interconnected trails, and appropriate development of passive and active recreational facilities. — The majority of the land is currently zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU), which is intended to protect commercial agricultural uses and it does not provide flexibility to accommodate urban agriculture and educational uses and programming envisioned at Luscher Farm. — Urban facilities and services (sewer and water) cannot be extended to serve land outside of the UGB. Additionally, System Development Charges (SDC’s) cannot be spent on infrastructure improvements outside of the UGB (such as pathways). — The City will have more certainty regarding allowable land uses on the properties and will be able to fully implement the City’s overall vision and the Luscher Area Master Plan. — The City will be able to incorporate elements of the Luscher Area Master Plan into the City’s Comprehensive Plan and long-range public facility plans such as the Transportation System Plan, Wastewater System Plan and Water System Plan. On February 10, 2020, the Planning Commission made a final recommendation that the City Council approve the proposed concept plan. The record of the proceedings for PP 19-0012 can be found on the City’s website at: (Under Search enter PP 19-0012, then press Submit) Adoption of Resolution 20-07, will be considered at the public hearing. The title of the resolution is as follows: Resolution 20-07 Approval of the Luscher Farm Concept Plan for purposes of applying to Metro for an amendment to the Portland Metro Urban Growth Boundary (PP 19-0012). Copies of the Resolution will be available from the City Recorder one week before the hearing. Staff Contacts: Inquiries regarding the proposal may be directed to Scot Siegel, Director of Planning and Building Services (503) 699-7474 or For information about the public hearing, contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225. How to Comment: Bring, e-mail, or mail written comments to: Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder Third Floor, City Hall 380 A Avenue Post Office Box 369 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Phone: (503) 534-4225 e-mail: Please provide a reference to the case to which you are testifying – PP 19-0012. You may attend the hearings and comment under the section for public testimony. For more about hearing procedures, contact staff. Time Limits on Testimony: The purpose of time limits on testimony is to provide all interested persons with an adequate opportunity to present and respond to testimony while at the same time ensuring that the hearing can be conducted in an efficient and expeditious manner. The following time limits on testimony shall be observed, but may be changed by the Council. Testimony will be taken in the following order – in support of the amendment, in opposition to the amendment, neutral. — Ten minutes for a representative of a recognized neighborhood association, homeowner association, government agency, or other incorporated public interest organization; — Five minutes for other persons. Publish February 13, 2020. LOR152755

ad: 152755

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/02/13

End Date: 2020/02/13

Owner: City of Lake Oswego


County: Clackamas