IN THE MATTER OF CIVIL FORFEITURE OF: (1) $810 in US Currency was seized on or about January 7, 2020, at or near the intersection of SE 33rd Ave. and SE Powell Blvd., Portland, OR from Benjamin Belanger. PPB Case No. 20-7284. (2) $1,730 in US Currency was seized on or about January 14, 2020, at 1541 NE 181st Ave., Gresham, OR from Jason Hart. PPB Case No. 20-15216. CIVIL FORFEITURE: The above described property was seized for civil forfeiture on the date(s) indicated by the Portland Police Bureau as a result of a criminal investigation identified by the listed case number. The property is subject to forfeiture pursuant to ORS 131A.020 as proceeds/instrumentalities and/or conveyances of prohibited conduct inasmuch as the property is proceeds and/or was used in committing or facilitating the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate the criminal laws of the State of Oregon as set forth in ORS Chapter 131A and/or as set forth in Portland City Code 14B.50. FORFEITURE means that the property will be transferred to the government, and persons with any interest in the property will be deprived of that interest without compensation because of the use or acquisition of the property in or through prohibited conduct as defined in ORS Chapter 131A. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL CLAIMANTS AND TO ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY !!! ******************************************************************* IF YOU HAVE ANY INTEREST IN THE SEIZED PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, YOU MUST CLAIM THAT INTEREST OR YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY LOSE THAT INTEREST. IF YOU DO NOT FILE A CLAIM FOR THE PROPERTY, THE PROPERTY MAY BE FORFEITED EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT CONVICTED OF ANY CRIME. TO CLAIM AN INTEREST, YOU MUST FILE A WRITTEN CLAIM WITH THE FORFEITURE COUNSEL IDENTIFIED BELOW. THE CLAIM MUST STATE: 1) YOUR TRUE NAME, 2) THE ADDRESS AT WHICH YOU WILL ACCEPT FUTURE MAILINGS FROM THE COURT AND FORFEITURE COUNSEL, 3) A STATEMENT THAT YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE SEIZED PROPERTY. THE CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND MUST INCLUDE (1)-(3) ABOVE IN ORDER TO BE VALID. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING YOUR CLAIM IS MARCH 20, 2020. UNLESS YOU WERE PERSONALLY SERVED WITH A NOTICE OF SEIZURE, IN WHICH CASE, THE DEADLINE FOR FILING IS STATED IN THE NOTICE. EXTENSIONS FOR FILING CLAIMS CANNOT BE GRANTED. ******************************************************************* WHERE TO FILE A CLAIM AND FOR MORE INFORMATION: FORFEITURE COUNSEL: Portland City Attorney’s Office 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 430 Portland OR 97204 (503)823-4047 SEIZING AGENCY: Portland Police Bureau 1111 SW 2nd Ave, Rm 1430 Portland, OR 97204 (503)823-0470 Published: Feb. 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2020. BT152341
ad: 152341
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/02/07
End Date: 2020/02/28
Court Number: 20-7284 & 20-15216
Owner: Portland Police Bureau
County: Multnomah