IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR BLACK HAWK COUNTY CASE NO. DRCV139280 ORIGINAL NOTICE UPON THE PETITION OF: BETH ANN SHANNON, Petitioner, AND CONCERNING: DOUGLAS THOMAS MILLER II, Respondent. TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENT: DOUGLAS THOMAS MILLER II You are notified that a Petition has been filed in the office of the clerk of this court naming you as the Respondent in this action. A copy of the Petition (and any documents filed with it) is attached to this notice. The attorney for the Petitioner is Nina Forcier, whose address is 405 Jefferson Street, Suite B, Waterloo, IA 50701. That attorney’s telephone number is (319) 234-1371; facsimile number (888) 552-6882; email is You are further notified that the above case has been filed in a county that utilizes electronic filing. You must file an Answer or Motion with the Clerk of Court in the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County, at the courthouse in Waterloo, Iowa, within 20 days of March 20, 2020 or judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Please see Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for information on electronic filing and Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16, division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at 319-833-3332. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942) Note: The attorney that is expected to represent the Respondent should be promptly advised by Respondent of service of this notice. IMPORTANT YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. THIS CASE HAS BEEN FILED IN A COUNTY THAT USES ELECTRONIC FILING. Therefore, unless the attached Petition and Original Notice contains a hearing date for your appearance, or unless you obtain an exemption from the court, you must file your Appearance and Answer electronically. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branch website at and obtain a log in and password for the purposes of filing and viewing documents on your case and of receiving service and notices from the court. FOR GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC FILING, REFER TO THE IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16 PERTAINING TO THE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: FOR COURT RULES ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY IN COURT FILINGS, REFER TO DIVISION VI OF IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16: Scheduled Hearing: If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at . (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942.) Date Issued 02/25/2020 08:06:17AM (SEAL) District Clerk of BlackHawk County /s/ Sandy Fitkin Published Mar. 3,10 & 17, 2020. BT155561
ad: 155561
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/03/03
End Date: 2020/03/17
Court Number: DRCV139280
Owner: Forcier Law Office, P.L.L.C.
County: Multnomah