CORRECTED NOTICE CITY OF KING CITY KING CITY BEEF BEND SOUTH MASTER PLAN (URBAN RESERVE AREA 6D) Proposals due: April 17, 2020 @ 5:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of King City (City) is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced firms to provide master planning services to the City for the King City Beef Bend South Master Plan (the Project). The City’s objective is to enter into an agreement that will provide these comprehensive services. The City’s expectation of any proposer the City contracts with is that the proposer’s values align with the City’s values of highly ethical conduct, fiscal responsibility, respect for the City and others, and responsiveness to the City’s residents, customers, and stakeholders. The city completed the Concept Plan – King City Urban Reserve Area 6D, which ultimately led to Metro approval to bring this area, which is now referred to as Beef Bend South, into the UGB at the end of 2018. The Master Plan is intended to refine the concept plan to provide additional development detail and outcomes consistent with the 2040 Growth Concept, Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, and the Metro conditions of approval for the UGB decision (see Appendix B). This project will be coordinated with the city’s first Transportation System Plan (TSP), which has been funded by the state’s TGM program, to create a transportation plan that will be fully integrated with existing and future land use. The TSP is anticipated to be completed prior to the Master Plan. However, the project scope anticipates delaying TSP adoption until the Master Plan is completed to allow for any final adjustments to ensure consistency between the two plans. A copy of the TSP scope and schedule is available (see Appendix C). The Master Plan will guide the necessary amendments to the King City Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code (CDC). The project will be funded largely by a Metro 2040 Planning and Development Grant. The Request for Proposals (RFP) documents, and any addenda thereto, may be obtained at Successful proposers will be asked to sign an agreement with the City. A sample of the Agreement is attached as part of the RFP documents. The City will require, among other things, specific levels of insurance, a King City business registration, and a tax identification number. Proposers must evaluate this Agreement and agree with the terms and conditions contained therein unless written objections are included as addenda with their proposal. The City will review the addenda and content of any such objection in the proposal evaluation process. Objections after the awarding of the contract will not be considered and are grounds for subsequent denial of the contract. Inquiries shall be directed to Michael Weston, the Project Manager, by phone (503.639.4082) or email ( Proposals shall be submitted in one of two ways: — Three copies delivered to King City Hall, C/O Michael Weston, City Manager, 15300 SW 116th Avenue, King City, OR 97224; or — A pdf copy sent via email to Michael Weston ( Proposals shall be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 17, 2020. Proposals received after this date and time shall not be accepted. Faxed copies of proposals shall not be accepted. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to negotiate individually with one or more proposers, and to select one or more proposers if determined to be in the best interest of the City. Dated this March 5, 2020 Published March 13, 2020. BT157155
ad: 157155
Publication: Construction 1
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/03/13
End Date: 2020/03/13
Owner: City of King City
County: Multnomah
Bid Date: 04/17/20
Bid Time: 5:00 PM