PUBLIC NOTICE Marion County TITLE III PROJECTS AMENDED NOTICE OF PROPOSED TITLE III COUNTY PROJECTS: SECURE RURAL SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY SELF-DETERMINATION ACT OF 2000; AND SUBSEQUENT ACTS AS AMENDED AND REAUTHORIZED This is a 45-day notice about projects that may be funded by Title III of the original/reauthorized/renewed Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000. For county fiscal year 2020-21, Marion County will allocate approximately $300,000 to Title III. The Marion County Board of Commissioners has identified the following uses specified by the law as eligible for the authorized and reauthorized funding: Search, Rescue and Emergency Services; Training Costs and Equipment Purchases for Emergency Services, Law Enforcement Patrols; {PL 106-393; SECTION 302 (b)(1), and PL 110-343 & 112-141; SECTION 302 (a) (1)(2)(3)} You may e-mail your comments on programs that the board may choose to fund, to the Marion County Title III Administrator, Hitesh Parekh, or write to the BOC Office, attention Hitesh Parekh, P.O. Box 14500, Salem, OR, 97309-5036, fax 503-588-5237. Comments will be received until 5:00 p.m. May 6, 2020. The text of the statute, P.L. 110-343, and P.L.106-393 including Title III, and more information on the proposed continuing programs, are available at the Board of Commissioners Office, 5th floor, 555 Court St; NE Salem, OR 97301. The following projects will be considered by the Board of Commissioners: Published March 18, 2020. WI157536
ad: 157536
Publication: Miscellaneous 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/03/18
End Date: 2020/03/18
Owner: Marion County Board of Commissioners Office
County: Marion