VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY Case No: CA19-15 IN RE: The Step-Parent Adoption of Gabriela Marie Oliver To be known as Gabriela Marie Dean A minor child by, Francesca Marie Dean and Zachariah General Dean ORDER OF PUBLICATION After review of the Affidavit and Petition for Order of Publication filed by counsel for Petitioners, Zachariah General Dean and Francesca Marie Dean, the purpose of which is to effectuate an adoption and terminate the birth father’s parental rights; and pursuant to Virginia Code 8.01-316, the Court finds that there exists sufficient grounds for causing service of process by publication. Therefore, it is ORDERED that the birth father, Andrew Peter Bryce Oliver, appear at the above-named Court to protect his interests on August 10, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Should the birth father not appear, then he is hereby notified that any and all of his parental rights will be terminated. Moreover, should he appear, then Petitioners may proceed to terminate the birth father’s rights on the grounds of abandonment pursuant to Virginia Code 63.2-1202(H) and/or alternatively pursuant to Virginia Code 63.2-1205. It is further ORDERED that this Order of Publication be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Sandy Post of Gresham, Oregon, and a copy be posted at the front door of this Courthouse. It is also ORDERED that counsel for Petitioners provide a copy of this Order by both mail and email to birth father, Andrew Peter Bryce Oliver. Enter: February 6, 2020 /s/ Claude V. Worrell Jr. Judge We ask for this: Colleen Marea Quinn, Esq. (VSB# 29282) Mary G. McLaurin, Esq. (VSB # 83909) Locke & Quinn 1802 Bayberry Court, Suite 103 Richmond, VA 23226 Telephone: (804) 285-6253 Fax: (804) 545-9400 Email: Counsel for Petitioners Published Mar. 11, 18, 25 & Apr. 1, 2020. SP156572
ad: 156572
Publication: Miscellaneous 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/03/11
End Date: 2020/04/01
Court Number: CA19-15
Owner: Locke & Quinn
County: Clackamas