NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hubbard City Hall, 3720 Second Street in Hubbard, the Hubbard Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to review proposed adoption of the 2019 Hubbard Water Master Plan (WMP), as an addendum to the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan, City file # LA 2020-01. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hubbard City Hall, 3720 Second Street in Hubbard, the Hubbard City Council will conduct a public hearing to review proposed adoption of the 2019 Hubbard Water Master Plan (WMP), as an addendum to the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan, City file # LA 2020-01. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: The City of Hubbard’s current Water System Master Plan is dated 1996. The purpose of the 2019 Water Master Plan (WMP) is to perform an analysis of the City of Hubbard water system, document system upgrades completed since the last plan, estimate future water requirements, create a steady hydraulic model of the distribution system, evaluate alternatives for system improvements, initiate seismic planning, evaluate operations and maintenance procedures, provide recommendations for a 20-year capital improvement plan, and create a document that will support future review of existing system development charges (SDCs) and water rates. The WMP is intended to provide the City with the information needed to inform long-term water supply and distribution infrastructure decisions. PROCEDURES An amendment to the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan and its supporting plan documents is a Type IV Legislative Action which is reviewed for consistency with the Hubbard Development Code 3.102, the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan, and the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals. Consistent with COVID-19 public health policies and advisories, the City of Hubbard will arrange for electronic methods of public participation in the meeting by phone and computer. Participation instructions will be posted on the City’s website in advance of the scheduled meeting. Anyone desiring to speak for or against the legislative amendment may do so. Written testimony on the proposed action should be mailed to P.O. Box 380, or emailed to Written testimony should be received by the Friday prior to the meeting to ensure online availability of materials for remote meeting participants. The WMP is available for review on the City’s website or by request to City Hall. A staff report will be available for inspection one week prior to the public hearing at no cost, or may be purchased at a reasonable cost. For further information about the WMP, please contact Melinda Olinger at Hubbard Public Works at (503) 982-9429 or For meeting accommodations, please contact Hubbard City Hall at (503) 981-9633. Published April 8, 2020. WI160922
ad: 160922
Publication: Hearing/Meetings 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/04/08
End Date: 2020/04/08
Owner: Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG)
County: Marion