CITY OF TROUTDALE 2020 PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE PROJECT Bids due: May 12, 2020 @ 2:00 pm ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Sealed bids for construction of the City of Troutdale 2020 Pavement Maintenance Project, addressed to the City of Troutdale, 219 E. Historic Columbia River Highway, Troutdale, OR 97060-2099, telephone: (503) 665-5175, will be received by the City Recorder, Sarah Skroch, until 2:00 p.m. local time on the twelfth day of May, 2020. Any bids received after the specified time will not be considered. BID OPENING: The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. local time on the twelfth day of May, 2020, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 219 E. Historic Columbia River Highway, Troutdale, OR 97060-2099. The bid opening will be closed to the Public but can be viewed using Zoom Meeting. Zoom Meeting can be accessed using the web address and meeting ID below: WORK TO BE DONE: The work to be done consists of three phases of Pavement Maintenance treatments: crack sealing, slurry sealing, and pavement overlay. The crack sealing phase consists of asphaltic crack prep work followed by application of approximately 21,600 pounds of approved crack sealing compound on identified sections of City of Troutdale streets. Crack sealing phase shall have a 30-calendar day performance time and must be completed not later than September 20th, 2020. The slurry seal phase consists of asphaltic pavement surface preparation and application of Type II Slurry Seal on approximately 60,138 square yards of City of Troutdale streets. The slurry sealing phase shall have a 21-calendar day performance time and must be completed not later than August 20th, 2020. The pavement overlay phase consists of approximately 1,017 square yards of 4 asphalt concrete pavement repair

ad: 161814

Publication: Invitations To Bid

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/04/21

End Date: 2020/04/28

Owner: City of Troutdale


County: Multnomah

Bid Date: 05/12/20

Bid Time: 2:00 PM