PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Prineville will hold a public hearing regarding the sale of real property in accordance with ORS 221.725. The Prineville City Council proposes to sell the following property within the City of Prineville, County of Crook, described on Crook County, Oregon, Tax Assessor’s Maps as: 1. 151512B001700, Prineville, Oregon 97754 The Prineville City Council considers it necessary and convenient to further the public interest to sell the property, as it is not needed for public use. Funds received for the property will go toward public improvement projects. The proposed use for the property will be commercial use. The hearing will be held telephonically at 6:30 p.m. on the 28th day of April, 2020. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the public hearing by calling 346-248-7799 Meeting ID 947 5839 2608 at the time of the meeting. Anyone wishing to present written testimony on this proposed action may do so in writing prior to the Public Hearing, by submitting comments to City Hall, ATTN: Lisa Morgan, 387 NE Third Street, Prineville, Oregon or by email at All written comments must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2020. Published: April 21, 2020 PCO162097
ad: 162097
Publication: Prineville Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/04/21
End Date: 2020/04/21
Owner: City of Prineville
County: Crook