NOTICE OF A LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE WILSONVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION: EQUITABLE HOUSING STRATEGIC PLAN Plan Estrategico de la Equidad de Vivienda LP20-0002 Planning Commission: On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, beginning at 6:00 p.m., the Wilsonville Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding adoption of the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (Case File # LP20-0002). The Planning Commission will consider whether to recommend adoption of the Plan to the City Council. No additional mailed notice will be sent to you unless you either: — Submit testimony or sign in at the Planning Commission hearing, or — Submit a request, in writing or by telephone, to the Planning Division. City Council: The Wilsonville City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the proposal on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. after which it may make the final decision. The hearings will take place at Wilsonville City Hall, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, Oregon. A complete copy of the relevant file information, including the staff report, findings, and recommendations will be available for viewing seven days prior to each public hearing at Wilsonville City Hall, at the Wilsonville Public Library and on the city’s web site. Summary of Proposal: Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (Case File # LP20-0002) The Equitable Housing Strategic Plan seeks to provide Wilsonville residents and employees housing opportunities for different household compositions, ages, and income ranges. Building on an assessment of demographic trends, housing data, and stakeholder perceptions of housing cost and availability, the Plan identifies gaps that are currently present in Wilsonville’s housing market, proposing several actions, both near-term and long-term, to help fill these gaps. The Plan also highlights a variety of funding sources the City could pursue to implement the proposed actions. How to Comment Written testimony/comments may be submitted by mail or by email to the address shown below, at any time prior to the time of the public hearing or at the public hearing. Testimony may also be given in person at the Public Hearing. For legal purposes, all testimony/comments received prior to or at the public hearing will become part of the record. Written comment/testimony received after the public hearing has closed cannot be considered. Email is best and particularly strongly encouraged during the COVID-19 outbreak. Comments can be emailed to the project manager, Kimberly Rybold, AICP, at If email is not possible, comments can be mailed to: Planning Division, Attn: Kimberly Rybold, AICP, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, OR 97070 or delivered in person 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon-Fri at the address above. Timing of submittal of mailed or hand-delivered comments should allow adequate time for precautionary sanitizing and quarantine procedures which, at the time of publishing this notice, is 3 days. To have your written comments or testimony distributed to the Planning Commission before the meeting, it must be received by 2 pm on May 12, 2020. How might the COVID-19 Outbreak impact the public hearing? Social distancing measures will be in place at all upcoming public hearings for the safety of residents, applicants, and City staff. Staff will be present to assist members of the public wishing to participate in the hearing. If you plan to participate in person at the public hearing please contact City staff as soon as possible, preferably before 10 a.m. the day of the hearing, to discuss details of distancing protocols and any potential to participate remotely via phone or video conference. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it may be necessary, with little advance notice, to postpone or continue the hearing to a future date certain. Information will be posted on the City’s website at (search for the meeting date) or is available by contacting Kimberly Rybold, AICP, at or (503) 682-4960. Any person who has previously communicated with City staff regarding testifying at the hearing will be notified of the postponement. Copies of the full draft plan are available from the Wilsonville Planning Division at the above address or online at Note: Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) are available for persons with impaired hearing and can be scheduled for this meeting. The City will also endeavor to provide qualified sign language interpreters and/or bilingual interpreters, without cost, if requested at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To obtain such services, please call Tami Bergeron, Planning Administrative Assistant at (503) 682-4960. La Ciudad tambien ofrecer interpretes calificados de lenguaje de seas y / o interpretes bilinges calificados, sin costo, si se solicita al menos 48 horas antes de la reunin o para el lunes 11 de Mayo de 2020. Para obtener dichos servicios, llame a Tami Bergeron, Asistente Administrativa al (503) 682-4960. Publish April 22, 2020 WS162063
ad: 162063
Publication: OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/04/22
End Date: 2020/04/22
Owner: City of Wilsonville
County: Clackamas