LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITY OF PRINEVILLE INVITATION TO BID #4002-20-21 The City of Prineville Public Works Department is seeking services related to the rehabilitation of approximately 733,693 square feet (sq. ft.) of City Streets. The following streets shall either have the existing asphalt wearing surface ground and inlaid, a standard asphalt concrete overlay, a double coat seal coat and crack sealing. Streets may be viewed on the Premier Builders Exchange website: Grind and Inlay Approximately 341,480 square feet Standard Asphalt Overlay Approximately 256,213 square feet Double Coat Seal Coat Approximately 136,000 square feet Crack Sealing $40,000 Sealed bids for the City of Prineville’s 2020 Street Rehabilitation Project will be received until 2:00 PM PDST on the 21st day of May, 2020 at City Hall, 387 NE 3rd St, Prineville, Oregon. Each proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: Lori Ontko, City of Prineville – City Hall, 387 NE 3rd St, Prineville, OR 97754 Published: April 28 & May 5, 2020 PCO162895
ad: 162895
Publication: Prineville Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/04/28
End Date: 2020/05/05
Owner: City of Prineville
County: Crook